Useful information on how to create an Employer/Job Profile.

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Tips For Employers
Employer Profile
Your employer profile is used to provide you with a match list of currently active candidates. We optionally provide notification of new matches. For your jobs to be eligible for matching, the employer profile status must be active. You may also want to consider quick job.
Job Profile(s)
Your job profile is used in the matching process to establish a score for a candidate. Candidate score also depends on the accuracy with which they complete their profile. To be eligible for matching, the profile must be active. Approval of your job spProfile is subject to our terms and conditions.

You may enter a job description, or upload a job description file to be used in the matching process. Enter "Required Skills" as a list of skills that the candidate must have to qualify. Candidates without these skills will not be matched.
Job Format
You should upload a job description file that best represents the core competencies required for the position. We can convert most common file formats to text. A natural language, text representation of your uploaded file will be used in the matching process.

The matching process establishes a score for a particular candidate which also depends on the accuracy with which the candidate completes their profile. Optimal performance in the matching process is achieved by ensuring that your job profile is complete and contains the keywords that accurately describe the skills, compensation, and geographical preference.
Matched Candidates
Your match list is a list of active candidates matching your job profile. You may review the matches and prompt for their feedback, with the option to request contact information for one or more candidates, according to our fee schedule. You may then contact the candidates directly to continue the hiring process, according to your established policies.
Indicate an interest in a particular candidate by selecting one of the following options on your match list. Your "Interest" in a particular candidate is visible on their matched jobs list:

None Awaiting response.
Decline Not interested/Remove from list.
Interest I am interested in this candidate.
Request Status Prompt for feedback/Indicate interest.
Refer-A-Friend Refer candidate to a friend/colleague.
Select Request contact information.

Likewise, a candidate may express an interest in your job. The "Request Status" option sends an email to the candidate prompting for feedback, should you wish to verify their interest/availability prior to obtaining contact information.
All matching is performed anonymously. In accordance with our privacy policy, Employer contact information will not be revealed to candidates. Employers may review their match list and optionally give feedback to matching candidates. The option to contact matching candidates is at the discretion of the employer, in accordance with their established policies.
Service Fees
Our service provides contact information for matched candidates. Posting a job, matching and feedback are free. You can review the results in advance of payment and only pay for the candidates you wish to contact. If the same candidate is matched to multiple jobs you only pay once. Fees are on a per candidate basis, as outlined in our fee schedule.
Please contact our helpdesk if you need further assistance and thank you for using our service!
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